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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 524:

Joseph C. Graham

(Farmer, Section 4, Post-office, Ellis).

   While there may have been nothing in the life of Mr. Graham thus far of startling importance to the outside world, his career, nevertheless, has been one marked by an upright, consistent Christian course and walk, and in this way of benefit to those among whom his influence has unconsciously gone forth.  He, too, is a Missourian, both by birth and bringing up, and naturally therefore is a stanch Democrat and a warm supporter of the principles of that representative party.  His birth occurred December 9, 1841, in Johnson county, Mo., John G. Graham, his father, having been a Virginian by birth.  His mother, formerly Nancy Hobson, first saw the light in Lafayette county, this State.  Eleven children constituted their family, and of this number Joseph was the second child, but the eldest son.  It is a fact worthy of mention that every child of this large family was born in one house, and in that house the father finally died, July 3, 1878.  What hallowed associations must cluster around such a home, and with what interest can those now at the head of homes of their own revisit the scenes of their early youth and recount to their children the same stories to which they listened in the years long since passed.  Joseph C. Graham followed farming (the occupation to which he grew up) in Johnson county, until settling in this county in 1879.  Here he owns 250 acres of land, and this is improved in a manner suggestive of the earnest, faithful labor of its owner.  During the war Mr. G. was under Col. Phillips, in the 7th regiment, State troops, for two years.  March 14, 1866, he was married to Miss Laura Marr, who was born in Johnson county, Mo.  She is the mother of eight children:  Helen, Anna, David, Walter, Flora, John, Alice and Edna.  Mr. Graham is a member of Osage Lodge No. 303, A. F. and A. M.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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