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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 640-641:

William F. Gordon

(County Clerk and Farmer and Raiser of Fine Stock, Section 2, Post-office, Nevada).

   Prominent among the more enterprising and successful farmers and stock-raisers of the central portion of the county stands Mr. Gordon, whose prominence as a business man is only less than his popularity as a citizen.  Situated a short distance east of Nevada is his well improved, comfortable homestead embracing 120 acres of cultivated land, and here he is actively and extensively engaged in the raising of fine blooded cattle -- a calling for which he seems to have a natural taste.  His Short-horn and Hereford grades of this class of stock are unexcelled, and the zeal which he has manifested in advancing the fine stock interests of the vicinity is deserving of hearty commendation from all.  Mr. Gordon was born in Lafayette county, Mo., July 25, 1849.  His father, Linn Boyd Gordon, a nephew of Hon. Linn Boyd, of Kentucky, and for whom he was named, was born in Trigg county, of the Blue Grass State, and in 1832 came to Missouri.  He brought up his sons to a knowledge of agricultural pursuits and in this industry William F. received a thorough education.  His mother was formerly a Miss Catharine Fulkerson, of Tennessee, and she bore her husband nine children.  The subject of this sketch, the second son and child in the family, grew up in the county of his birth and in 1870 came to this county, here subsequently casting his first vote.  His career since that time has closely identified him with the affairs of Vernon county.  He has held the position of public administrator, an office to which he was first appointed by the Governor, and afterwards elected by the people.  He was also the late nominee of the Democratic party for the position of county clerk, a nomination subsequently followed by his election to that office, a place which he is well qualified to fill.  Mr. Gordon was married in 1872 to Miss Letitia Davis, of Saline county, Mo., whose death occurred November 27, 1875.  She left one son, Emmet.  January 29, 1879, Mr. Gordon was married to Miss Maggie Evans, of Liberty, Mo., a daughter of Lafayette Evans.  Three children have blessed this union:  Ollie May, Sallie K. and Mattie B.  Mr. G. is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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