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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 895:

Marcellus Garton

(Farmer and Stock-feeder, Section 18, Post-office, Deerfield)

   One of the largest stock feeders of this township, and a man of deserved influence as a substantial, representative agriculturalist of this portion of Vernon county, Mr. Garton has an extensive acquaintance with those among he has made his home for the past few years.  Edwin S. Garton, his father, was born in Virginia, and as his calling in life was devoted to farming and the stock business.  His (Edwin’s) wife was formerly Miss Angeline Hill, also of Virginia nativity.  Five children constituted their family, of whom Marcellus was the second.  His birth occurred December 8, 1844, in Pettis county, Mo., and in that locality he was reared to an agricultural experience, making his home there until 1882.  Since then he has resided here, occupied, as is well known, quite extensively in farming in connection with the feeding of stock.  Mr. Garton is a large property holder here as well as in his native county, where he owns some 540 acres.  His landed estate in this county embraces 880 acres, well adapted for the purposes to which it is put.  His home place is in full keeping with his character as a progressive, enterprising farmer, convenient and neat buildings being found, as well as desirable surroundings.  In 1873 he was married to Miss Katie Bard, who was born in Illinois.  They have five children:  Claude H., Rellar, Nellie C., Bina A. and Lillie M.  Mr. G. is recognized as one of the honorable, straightforward citizens of this community, and commands the respect of all.



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