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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 4890490

Jacob Foland

(Farmer, Section 4, Post-office, Nevada)

   As a general thing the lives of most men whose energies from boyhood to manhood have been directed in the channel of agricultural pursuits are very similar, but occasionally one is met with whose career has been such a successful one that especial mention seems necessary, and such is the case in the present instance.  Jacob Foland was born in Rockingham county, Va., May 9, 1833.  His parents, Jacob and Elizabeth Foland, née Hinkle, were both natives of Pennsylvania, and the former rendered gallant service during the War of 1812 as a defender of the rights and principles of the few but mighty colonies.  He participated ill many battles of that struggle and afterwards moved to Jefferson county, Tenn., where he continued to remain, engaged in agricultural pursuits, until the time of his death; his wife is also deceased.  Their happy union was blessed with fifteen children and of this number all lived to do honor to the name they bore.  Jacob, the youngest, the subject of this sketch, passed his early days in a manner similar to those of other boys in the vicinity of his home, obtaining a full share of hard work about the farm.  His educational opportunities were limited - only such as the subscription schools of the day afforded, though the advantages which he did enjoy were appreciated to the fullest extent.  On February 5, 1857, he was married to Miss Sarah Jones, of Jefferson county, Tenn., and the two sons who have been born to them are still unmarried and remain at home, assisting in the excellent management of the farm.  Mr. Foland owns a valuable place of 500 acres, situated six and a half miles north of Nevada.  This is improved in an exceptional manner and conducted in a way which only a leading and intelligent farmer could do.  Everything about the place is made to serve the best purpose and such methods only are used as will bring about the best results.  Politically Mr. F. is a Democrat, strongly adhering to the principles of that party.  His experience in this community during the war was one that enabled him to witness many hardships, about which much of interest might well be written.



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