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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 419

William E. Fisher

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 31, Post-office, Hume)

   The military career of Mr. Fisher during the late war was one of the most thrilling epochs of his life, and forms an interesting part of this brief sketch.  He was a resident of Michigan when the firing upon Fort Sumter first attracted attention, and on October 14, 1861, he enlisted in the 12th Michigan infantry, afterwards serving in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, where he was taken prisoner.  For 14 days he was confined at Tuscaloosa, and for four months and 16 days at Macon, Ga., and one month and 14 days at Raleigh, N.C., after which he was taken to Richmond and paroled.  On leaving there he went to Mobile, Ala., and thence to the blockade fleet at the mouth of the Mississippi, later reaching New York.  Detroit was subsequently reached and then St. Louis, thence returning to Detroit, from which place he went to Camp Chase, in Ohio.  From this point he ran away and returned home remaining there until March, 1863, when he went back to Detroit and afterwards to Haine’s Bluff, on the Yazoo river, where he joined his regiment after an absence of just one year to a day.  Subsequently he participated in the siege of Vicksburg, then being transferred to the Seventh Army Corps, going to Helena, Ark., and with Steele to Little Rock, where he served out his time in the Trans-Mississippi department.  After being mustered out Mr. Fisher returned home under the assuring conviction that he had thoroughly performed his duty.  In 1865 he came to Vernon county, Mo., and entered at once upon an agricultural career, his position soon becoming well known in agricultural circles.  Here he now owns 200 acres of land, underlying which is a thick vein of coal of an extra good quality.  He also has other interests, one of which is in the mill at Hume, in Bates county.  Mr. Fisher is a native of Sandusky, O., born November 23, 1845.  Ilif Fisher, his father, of Portage county, O., followed lumber manufacturing as his calling in life; his wife was of German nativity, formerly Miss Christina Lochinaw.  In 1846 the family removed to Michigan and there young William was reared, attending to the lumber business and running a saw mill in connection with his father.  He (Ilif) died in 1858; he had made two trips to California, both by the overland route, one in 1852 and the other in 1854.  May 1, 1868, Mr. F. married Miss Sarah J. Pierce, of Grayson county, Ky.  They are the parents of seven children:  Ilif, Carrie, Annie, William, John, Pearl, and Mary.



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