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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 418-419:

A. A. Finch

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 26, Post-office, Hume)

   Only a little past the age of 53 years, Mr. Finch was born in Davidson county, N.C., November 23, 1833.  His earliest recollections are those referring to the home farm and the part he took in attending to the duties assigned him upon that pace.  Isaac Finch, his father, was also a native of North Carolina and by occupation a farmer.  Upon leaving that commonwealth he started with his family for the famed Platte Purchase, in Missouri, but while enroute he died in St. Clair county, Ill.  The mother, whose maiden name was Delilah Pullen, then came on with her children, finally locating on Rock House Prairie, in Buchanan county, where and in Clinton county they made their home for a number of years.  In 1870 Mr. A. A. Finch located in Vernon county, and here has since carried on his farm which by proper management and thorough cultivation is yielding good returns.  His entire life has been passed in the pursuit of farming, and as is readily seen he is much better prepared to manage a place of this kind than he would be had several different occupations received his attention.  His present homestead contains 285 acres.  November 2, 1854, Mr. F. was united in marriage with Miss Sarah F. Sodowsky, a Kentuckian by birth, and the daughter of James and Fanny (Gatewood) Sodowsky, who were early settlers of Buchanan county.  Mr. Finch and wife have the following children.  William H., Ella D., wife of D. G. Finch; Miranda M., now Mrs. R. Hibler; James A., Fannie S., wife of George Mack; Isaac R., Julia E., Thomas N., Edward A. and Dallie A.



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