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     Jesse Ewell was born about 1807 in Virginia.  His probate file indicates that he died about January 1875, and his spouse was Rebecca Ewell.  Rebecca Ewell's obituary says that Jesse Ewell was buried in Balltown Cemetery and she in Carbon Center.  No gravestones can now be found for either Jesse or Rebecca as of July 2008.

     Jesse Ewell first married Cynthia H. Robertson/Robinson in Tennessee, and they had about five children.  He married Rebecca Hurse/Hurst in 1846 in Tennessee, and they had about eight children. 



Married daughters of

Jesse & Rebecca (Hurst) Ewell

Front: Santa Fe Clementine Welch, Jessie Jewett.

Back: Ellen Boughan, Florence Clutter, Colorado Robinson.



Mrs. Rebecca (Hurse) Ewell

and sons

Walter Ewell          Robert Ewell





Click on the thumbnail to see the "Application for Letters of Administration" from the Vernon County, Missouri probate file of Jesse Ewell, filed January 18, 1875 by James H. Frakes. Ashby Gray, Probate Judge.



Jesse Ewell and his family can be found in the Federal census:

1840 ??

1850 Bates Co, MO Census, District 6.

1860 Vernon Co, MO Census, Little Osage Twp.

1870 Vernon Co, MO Census, Osage Twp, Dwelling 227.

1880 Vernon Co, MO Census, Osage Twp, Dwelling 167.



"During the Civil War... Gen. Ewing's " Order No. 11" [to depopulate this region] extended to the north bank of the Osage; but when it came there were but few families residing in the upper portion of this township north of the river.  Jesse Ewell and Priestly Ray sought the protection of the military at Balltown.   ...in 1866... ...there were living in this township (Osage), on the north side of the river, but three families, those of Ewell, Ray, and Cox..."

History of Vernon County, Missouri, 1887.  p. 385.



The following are the excerpts that mention the Jesse Ewell family, from the 1864 Civil War diary of Sgt. James P. Mallery, Co A, 3d Wisconsin Cavalry, stationed at Balltown, Vernon County, MO.

     Wednesday, January 13, 1864.  Clouday & warm. Than Adison Myself took a ride with 3 of the Ewels Girles a hors back. ...

     Friday, January 15, 1864.  Warm & Thawed al Day.  In Camp al Day.  Except went and cut wood for Mr. Ewell folks, they being Sick. ...

     Tuesday, March 1, 1864.  Beautiful Day & warm.  Deacon Reeturned from the Ft. took a sack of flower down to Mr. Ewells.  he is verry sick. ...

     Saturday, December 10, 1864.  Clear & verry cold & wind blew hard all day. ... In the Evning went to Mr. Ewells for supper on Invitation. had a good supper & good time in General. gave them my Potograph.

"Found No Bushwhackers" The 1864 Diary of Sgt. James Mallery.



Mrs. Rebecca Ewell, aged 75 years died at her home near Panama, Vernon county, Sunday, January 16, 1898, of paralysis.  The remains of deceased were interred at Carbon Center.

The Nevada Daily Mail, Nevada, Missouri.  January 18, 1898.



Correspondence Southwest Mail.

     At her old home near Carbon Center, Jan. 16, 1898, Mrs. Rebecca Ewell, aged 76 years, died of paralysis after an illness of two weeks.  She had suffered two slight strokes before this one and had expressed herself as ready and waiting for her summons home.  Her children gathered about her bedside in loving watchfulness during her last hours, hoping and praying that she would regain the power of speech if only for the last words of parting before death.  Two daughters had come from Oklahoma and one son from New Mexico, but their only recognition was a loving look of welcome.  She did not speak after being stricken and her kind Father mercifully ended her sufferings with his loving invitation home.  Mrs. Ewell, or Aunt Becky, as she was familiarly called by her large circle of friends, was one of the oldest settlers in the county.  She and her husband came to this county from Shelbyville, Tenn., in 1849, and lived here through the fierce and bloody struggles of the civil war.

     It is with a sense of personal loss that each of Aunt Becky's friends thinks of her death.  She bore so long the relationship of the older sister to the old, the mother and grandmother to the young that she seemed to belong to all of us alike.  For a number of years it was the custom for the entire neighborhood to gather at her home with well filled baskets to celebrate her birthday and wish her health for another year.

     Aunt Becky was a devoted christian, a loving mother, and a kind and faithful friend.  She was a member of the church 52 years, helping to organize the first church here after the war at Stringtown, which afterward became the Christian church of Carbon Center, Mo.  Six children survive her, two sons and four daughters, a number of grand children and two great grand children.

     Her funeral was preached Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the Christian church at Carbon Center by Rev. W. Miller of New Home, Mo., who preached her husband's funeral 24 years ago.  She was laid to rest in the Carbon Center cemetery.

The Nevada Daily Mail, Nevada, Missouri.  Friday, January 21, 1898, p.3.


A peculiar coincidence in the death of Mrs. Rebecca Ewell, who died near Carbon Center Sunday and was buried Monday, is that just twenty-four years before, her husband, Jesse Ewell, died and was buried at Balltown.  The Rev. Wm. Miller, who preached Mrs. Ewell's funeral, also preached the funeral of her husband twenty-four years before.

The Nevada Daily Mail, Nevada, Missouri.  January 22, 1898.



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