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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 567-568:

Andrew J. Emerson

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 17, Post-office, Eve).

   Mr. Emerson’s residence in this community has been of no little benefit to those among whom he has made his home, and especially in the direction of stock interests is this true. His connection with that industry has rendered him deserving of mention, for the part he has taken and the position assumed in regard to stock have contributed to establish him substantially as one of the prominent stock men of this portion of the county. His well improved farm of 267 acres is situated in the western part of the township, and is stocked with an excellent grade of cattle, his experience having proven that it costs no more to raise a good quality of stock than inferior animals. Upon his farm is a new residence, erected during the past year in place of one which was destroyed by fire in March, 1886. The other improvements are in full keeping with those mentioned. Born in Ray county, Mo., November 17, 1841, Mr. E. was the son of John and Elizabeth (Brockman) Emerson, the former a farmer by occupation and a native of Kentucky. Ten children were born of this union and of this number, Andrew J. was the seventh. Very naturally he grew up to an agricultural experience, making his home in Ray county until 1863 when he went to the State of Nevada; for six years he was engaged in mining with fair success, but in 1869 he returned East, and in November of that year located in Vernon county, where he has since lived. In December, 1873, he was married to Miss Laura A. Symns, of DeKalb county, Mo. Three children have been given them that are now living: Effie, Blanche and Waldo J. One is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson are active members of the Christian Church and liberal contributors thereto.

[Transcribed by Kay Harper]



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