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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 727-728:

Rev. Lewis Elledge

(Baptist Minister, Schell City).

   This earnest servant of the Lord, one of the consecrated, consistent ministers of Vernon county, was born in Madison county, Ill., February 16, 1834.  His parents were each natives of Tennessee – Roland and Perthenia Elledge, née Sutton, both of whom died before Lewis was five years of age leaving besides him three sons and two daughters.  As the fifth child in the family he spent his youth upon a farm in Franklin county, Mo., obtaining such an education as could then be secured and employing his time in various phases of agricultural life until the age of 18, when he was converted and immediately enlisted under the banner of King Emmanuel.  United with the church of his choice – the Baptist – he soon commenced preparations to study for the ministry and in 1854 was licensed to preach, being ordained in 1863.  His first charge was in Cooper county, Mo., and from that time to the present he has spent his entire energies in the Christian cause.  He has preached in 30 different counties in Central and Western Missouri and Kansas, and at present is supplying the pulpit at Rockville and Milo.  Mr. Elledge has been three times married.  First, December 4, 1853, to Miss Eliza J. Davis, of Franklin county, Mo., who died in 1862, leaving three children: Lewis W., Mary E., since deceased, and John D.  September 17, 1863, Miss Elizabeth Jackson, of Saline county, Mo., became Mr. E.’s second wife.  At her death, May 8, 1880, six children survived: Thomas R., James J., Fannie, Robert R., Lee E. and William H.  November 29, 1883, Mr. Elledge was married to Miss Martha Rhodes, of Scotland county, Mo.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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