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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 551-552

Dr. James M. Edmiston

(Retired Physician and Farmer, Section 20, Post-office, Walker)

   Dr. Edmiston, an influential and esteemed citizen of this township, formerly a successful practicing physician but now retired from the active duties of professional life, came originally from North Carolina, and was a worthy son of Judge Samuel Edmiston, whose connection with the affairs of Harrison county, Mo., are well remembered by the people of that locality.  He (Samuel) was also a native of North Carolina, and during life devoted himself to both farming and the manufacture of tobacco with unusual success until the great crisis of 1840 came, when in common with so many others he suffered severe losses.  When a young man he married Miss Jane Gihlston, of Georgia nativity.  Subsequently they moved to Harrison county, Mo., where the father was elected as one of the first county judges, his official term lasting four years.  Both he and his wife afterwards died there.  James M., the subject of this brief sketch, the seventh of 10 children, was brought up to a farm experience, receiving only a common school education, but soon after reaching manhood he settled the determination which he previously had formed to follow the medical profession during life, and accordingly commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Watson, of North Carolina, resuming his studies after coming to Missouri with Dr. Cravens, of Daviess county.  Following this he attended lectures at the Missouri Medical University, and from that institution was graduated in 1848.  Returning to Harrison county, Dr. Edmiston embarked actively in practice in both that and Daviess counties, receiving a lucrative and remunerative patronage until the outbreak of the Rebellion, when he enlisted in the 1st Missouri cavalry, C. S. A. under Col. Gates.  For three years he remained in service, but was then taken prisoner at Blackwater, Miss., and confined for some time, being transferred several times, but finally receiving a release at St. Louis on sick parole.  When the war closed the Doctor located in Clay county and again resumed his chosen calling, continuing it with highly satisfactory results until his removal to this county, in 1878.  He first located in Metz township and later in Clear Creek, from whence he came to his present location.  Here he has an excellent place and to his he devotes all his energies, keeping apace with all leading movements and proving himself a valuable acquisition to the community.  He was married in 1849 to Miss Susan Morgan, of Virginia, who died in 1852.  Subsequently Dr. E. took for his second wife Miss Mary Petty, of Knox county, Mo., and to them six children have been born:  Ida, Mortimer, James, Dora, Ella and George, all of whom are teachers in this county except James, a farmer and stock-raiser in Texas.  Mrs. Edmiston is quite an extensive raiser of Tolouse geese and supplies a large part of this locality with the product of these fowls.



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