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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 637-638:

William J. Dyer

(Dealer in Grain, Seed, Etc., and Proprietor of Elevator, Nevada).

   The occupation to which Mr. Dyer was reared most aptly fitted him for the business in which he is now engaged, so that when embarking in it some five years ago it was with a thorough knowledge of all the details connected with the grain and seed trade. For two years after coming to this county he carried on a farm which he had previously purchased, leaving agricultural pursuits in 1881 to engage in his present well known occupation. Mr. Dyer is one of Missouri’s native born citizens, born in Callaway county, July 30, 1837. Abner W. Dyer, his father, originally from Bowling Green county, Ky., came to St. Louis in 1818, but subsequently went to Callaway county in 1830, there devoting himself to his chosen occupation of a mechanic and farmer. In 1842 he moved to Jefferson City and carried on the same business until his removal to this county. In 1867 he settled in Vernon county at a time when settlements in this community were somewhat limited; here he died in 1869, sincerely mourned by his many acquaintances. His wife was a St. Louis lady and at the time of her marriage Miss Cnythia [Cynthia] Elizabeth Wilson. William J., as the eldest in the family of ten children, was principally brought up in his native county, and a intimated to an agricultural experience. Upon removing to Vernon county in 1879 he bought land, cultivated it for some time, and since 1881 has been identified with the business interests of Nevada. May 9, 1861, Mr. Dyer was married to Miss Martha C. Keeling, like himself from Callaway county, Mo. They have an interesting family of three children: Edward S. Jackson, Sidney Augustus and Celesta L. Mr. Dyer and wife are members of the Baptist Church.

[Transcribed by Kay Harper]


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