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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 638-639:

John B. Dyer

(Photographer, Nevada).

   The subject of this sketch was born in Cole county, Mo., August 29, 1842, his parents being Abner W. and Cynthia E. (Wilson) Dyer, the former of Warren county, Ky., and the latter a native of St. Louis. Ten children were in their family and of that number eight still survive, of whom John B. is the third child and second son. His entire life has been passed in a manner devoid of any particularly striking importance as regard connection with positions of public prominence or high station, but yet, better than all, he has applied himself closely to those channels towards which his attention has been directed, thus showing a firmness and substantial worth which men of greater pretensions so often lack. Mr. Dyer’s early life was that of a farmer’s boy. In 1869 he first came to this county, from Cole county, having previously learned his calling in 1864. In 1875 he located in Nevada, following photographing some two years, after which he gave his attention to the carpenter’s trade until 1879. Since then he has been closely occupied in attending to the management and control of his art business. This has become an important item in the interests of Nevada and besides attending especially to the making of photographs he has built up no slight reputation in the line of copying and enlarging pictures. His gallery is well known and his ability is recognized by many, as is attested by his liberal patronage. October 7, 1875, Mr. Dyer married Miss Mary E. Still, of Johnson county, daughter of William A. Still. They have two children living, Sterling Clyde and an infant.  Mr. D. is a member of the Masonic Order, belonging to Argyle Lodge.

[Transcribed by Kay Harper]


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