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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 442:

Alfred Denton

(Section 28, Post-office, Nevada)

   Mr. Denton, though but a recent comer to this locality, has been here a sufficient time to show that he is a man of true worth and one whose connection with the affairs of Vernon county is destined to be felt in the near future.  He is a native of Alabama, but when a small boy left that State and came to Missouri, going later to Kansas, where he made his home for a number of years.  His parents, Isaac and Mary (Yowel) Denton, also came originally from Alabama.  The father in 1854 moved with his  family to Missouri and in 1856 to Kansas where he only remained a year until his sudden and brutal murder in March, 1857, as referred to elsewhere.  An unprincipled man who had become incensed at Mr. Denton’s course undertook to force him by law to accede to his demands, but several times was unsuccessful, until resolving on vengeance, he killed him.  After the father’s death the family removed to Osawatomie, Kas., but in about a year returned to within three miles of Fort Scott, where they lived until the outbreak of the war in 1861.  At that time Mr. Denton and his brother, Thos. J., entered the army, very naturally taking sides with the Federal forces.  Thomas was first Lieutenant in Co. L, 6th Kansas cavalry, and the greater part of the time acted as scout in the employ of the U. S. Government; he had two horses shot from under him and finally died at Fort Scott in 1863.  Alfred Denton was captured at Fort Smith, Ark., and for ten months was held as prisoner at a stockade in Tyler, Tex.  Some two years after the close of the war his mother died.  He subsequently continued to attend to his farming operations and on March 13, 1880, Miss Belle Ward became his wife, her parents having, as early settlers of Kansas, participated in all of the troubles incident to the war in that section.  Her father, Azer Ward, reached the remarkable age of 102 years; he was originally from North Carolina.  Mrs. Denton has three brothers in Kansas and one in Missouri, all in good circumstances.  Mr. D. has been a resident of Badger township since March, 1886, and his outlook for the future is most promising, as he is full of energy and bound to succeed.  He is a member of the I. O. O. F.



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