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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 725:

David Darrow

(Engineer and Ice Dealer, Schell City).

   Mr. Darrow was born in Summit county, O., January 17, 1837, his parents also being natives of the Buckeye State, his father, David, of the same county, and his mother, whose maiden name was Sophia Hawkins, of Medina county.  Nine children constituted their family, of whom young David was the fourth child and third son.  He was reared in his native county to an agricultural experience, and with the exception of a short period, that occupation continued to receive his attention up to 1870.  In 1857 he removed to Iowa and located in Monroe county, there following the peaceful avocation of farming until the outbreak of the war, when he enlisted in the 22d Iowa volunteer infantry.  Subsequently he had an active military experience, participating in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion’s Hill, Black River Bridge, Raymond, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., and Winchester, Va., besides many of less importance.  After the war was over he returned to Iowa, remaining there until 1868, when he located in Johnson county, Mo.  In 1870 he came to this county and has since been in the employ of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company as engineer at the water tower.  Besides attending to the duties of this position, he also carries on an ice business.  In each of these relations Mr. Darrow has become well known.  In October, 1860, he was married to Miss Phebe Lloyd, of West Virginia, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Carpenter) Lloyd, both of Pennsylvania nativity.  The former was a gallant soldier in the Mexican War, and at the commencement of the late civil strife, though having reached the advanced age of 65, he enlisted for service in the 22d Iowa infantry, was wounded and captured at Vicksburg; and while held in that city as a prisoner he died, thus, in common with hosts of others, offering up his life as a sacrifice for his country.  To Mr. and Mrs. Darrow four children have been born: Freddie, James M., Bessie M. and Clarence A.  He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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