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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 634-635:

Allen Daly

(Of the firm of Daly, Hartley & Daly, Brick Manufacturers, Nevada).

   The above mentioned firm, of which the subject of this sketch is the youngest member, is composed of Lawrence Daly, George Hartley and Allen Daly, all experienced brick manufacturers, and artisans of acknowledged skill, as some of their present work ably testifies. When the State Insane Asylum No. 3 was located at Nevada and preparation made for its erection, this firm secured the contract for making the brick, an occupation in which they are now engaged. Such a contract calls for an unusually large amount of brick, but the firm is extensive enough in its operations to fully supply the demand, while the quality of the material furnished is beyond question of the very best. The progress of the work already done on this building indicates in a small way the excellence of the brick manufactured by Daly, Hartley & Daly. Allen Daly was born in Daviess county, Ky., August 27, 1855. His father was Dr. Frank Daly, also of Kentucky, and a physician of decided merit and learning, who when a young man had married Miss Narcissa Haynes, of the same State as himself. She bore her husband eight children, and of these Allen was the fourth child. He was reared to manhood in the vicinity of his birthplace and in 1874 came to Vernon County, MO, where he learned the trade of laying and manufacturing brick. As stated, since work was commenced on the asylum he has been a member of the firm with which he is at present connected. In 1885 Mr. Daly was married to Miss Ollie Alayea, of Indiana.  He is a member of the Knights of Pythias.

[Transcribed by Anna Giunta]


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