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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 631-632:

Dr. Cuthbert B. Cummings

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   As a physician Dr. Cummings has been a decided success. Such a statement redounds with credit upon him, for, starting on a career under circumstances most unfavorable and inauspicious, with discouragements surrounding him at times on every hand, he has by individual merits and upright rectitude, as well as by prompt attention to professional duties, secured no inferior position among his professional brethren. Dr. Cummings was born in Clark county, Ky., May 20, 1833, a State in which his ancestors became located at an early day. Thomas Cummings, his father, was a Virginian by birth but removed to the Blue Grass State in 1801, from whence he served in the War of 1812. In 1842 he moved to Cass county, Mo., where he died in 1848, leaving besides his wife (who was formerly Miss Elizabeth Low, of Kentucky), 12 children, of whom Cuthbert was the next to the youngest. He was for the most part brought up in Cass county upon a farm, but even there seemed to have within him certain traits which indicated a tendency to follow the medical profession. A young man when the war broke out, he immediately offered his services as a soldier in the Missouri State Guard, and was connected with Erwin’s regiment, afterwards becoming connected with the 8th Missouri infantry, C. S. A., holding the position of first lieutenant. During his military career he took part in the battles of Lone Jack, Prairie Grove, Morristown, Little Rock, and others. On July 4, 1863, he was taken prisoner at Helena, Ark., a severe wound which he received leading to his capture; a ball which penetrated the right lung passed out near the spinal column, disabling him, and after capture he was taken to Memphis, Tenn., and placed in charge of Ward D, acting as assistant surgeon in Overton Hospital, where he gained no little familiarity with the proper treatment of wounds and diseases. Later on he was confined at Alton, Ill., then being taken, in August, 1864, to Camp Douglas, Chicago, from whence in May following he was taken to City Point, Va., where an exchange was effected March 20, 1865. Then Mr. Cummings joined the 2d Kentucky mounted rifles, Co. F, of which he was made lieutenant, and on May 1, he surrendered at Mt. Sterling, Ky., subsequently returning home in the full satisfaction of having done his duty. During the latter part of his service he belonged to Cosby’s brigade, better known as Giltner’s brigade; and at the time of his surrender he was without a dollar and almost destitute of clothing, his time being necessarily employed as a farm hand at $1.00 a day until means were obtained to enable him to return to Cass county. During 1869-70 he attended the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, the study of medicine having occupied his attention for several years previous to this. In 1870 he graduated from McDowell’s Medical College, of St. Louis, commencing his practice at that city, where he remained two years. Afterwards until 1880 he was located in Cass county, then coming to this county, where he has since successfully continued. In 1878 Dr. Cummings was married to Mrs. J. C. Dale, of Ohio; her first husband, Mr. Bonaparte Dale, was engaged in the same battle on the Union side in which the Doctor was taken prisoner. By that union there are two daughters, Minnie and Maude Dale. Dr. C. is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Anna Giunta]


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