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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 824-825:

John Croy

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 28, Post-office, Sheldon).

   Throughout the southern portion of the county Mr. Croy has long been known as one of the substantial, successful agriculturists of this vicinity – a reputation accorded him because he deserves it.  Born in Montgomery county, Ind., September 13, 1829, he was the son of Alexander Croy, of Ohio, a man of large property possession and an extensive farmer.  He owned a tract of 2,200 acres of land, on which he had 20 tenants continuously.  He was three times married and reared a large family of children, 20 in all, 15 of whom still survive, and of these John was the sixth.  His mother’s maiden name was Elizabeth Spilkey, of German parentage.  The senior Croy died in 1856, leaving a large estate.  In growing up young John could not well avoid coming in contact with the duties of farm life, reared as he was in the midst of such surroundings.  Finally he adopted the occupation as his calling, and has since continued it.  In 1852 he came West and spent two years traveling through Kansas and Nebraska, but upon returning to Indiana he was married in 1855 to Miss Lydia O. Railsback, of Kentucky, and to them five children have been born: John Alexander, who married Miss May McNary; Nancy E., wife of J. S. Truitt; Louisa Jane, wife of William McNary; Philander Perry, deceased; and Squire Frederick, now at college.  Mr. Croy continued to make his residence in Indiana until 1854, when he removed to Daviess county, Mo., living there until the outbreak of the war.  After one year’s service in the militia during that struggle he again went back to Indiana, but in 1874 came to Vernon county to reside permanently.  At that time he purchased between 200 and 300 acres of land in the northern part of this township, a portion of which now includes the town site of Sheldon.  This purchase he subsequently sold at a handsome profit, and then bought and improved the good farm upon which he now lives.  This embraces 470 acres and is well improved, being managed in a manner above criticism and in a way which at once secures for him a sound reputation as a representative agriculturist.  Besides farming Mr. Croy is giving no little attention to stock raising, and especially to the breeding of thoroughbred Short-horns.  These animals are, indeed, worthy of extended mention, for they are second to none.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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