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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 500

James V. Cowan

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 9, Post-office, Walker).

     It is a fact unnecessary of denial that a person is better fitted to follow the occupation with which he has been familiar from early life, than to engage in an occupation learned in later years.  This truth is borne out by the career of Mr. Cowan, who from childhood has known all the minute details of agricultural life.  He was born in Fleming county, Ky., December 15,1841, and on both his father's and mother's sides is of Irish lineage.  His parents, John H. and Elizabeth (Harper) Cowan, were natives of the Blue Grass State, the family of the former having gone there from Virginia in an early day.  He now resides in Kentucky on a farm, but his wife died September 15, 1873, having been the mother of nine children.  James V. Cowan was reared as a farmer, and received a common school education, following which he commenced his business life in tilling the soil.  In the spring of 1876 he left Kentucky and went to Coffee county, Kan., but about eight months later he settled in Vernon county, Mo., and purchased a tract of land in the southern part of Walker township.  In the spring of 1882 he bought his present homestead of 160 acres, and now has this nicely improved, everything about the place, its neat and comfortable surroundings, going far to show what kind of an agriculturist Mr. Cowan is.  He raises good stock of all kinds, and is most practical in his operations.  December 3, 1867, Mr. Cowan married a most estimable lady, Miss Henrietta Hughes, who was born in Nicholas county, Ky., March 29, 1845.  She has worthily aided her husband in his efforts to secure a competency, and no little credit is due her for the part she has performed in contributing to his success and popularity.  Mr. Cowan and wife are consistent members of the Christian Church.  In politics he is Democratic, though liberal in his views favoring all measures for the public good.


[Since this sketch was written Mr. Clinton has disposed of this farm, but still resides in the county, though he has large Western interests, which receive considerable of his attention.]



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