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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 823-834:

Hon. Cornelius Correll

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 22, Post-office, Sheldon).

   Judge Correll, an unassuming and substantial citizen of Vernon county, one whose life thus far has been busily and worthily occupied with the duties of every day life, is conceded to hold a prominent place among the representative men of this locality.  The following plain facts will indicate something of the activity and success which have attended his efforts during his career.  Still less than 50 years of age, he was born in Sangamon county, Ill., May 19, 1839.  Thomas Correll, his father, was a Kentuckian by birth, as was also his mother, whose maiden name was Sarah McDaniel.  The parents became settled in Sangamon county, Ill., in an early day and there reared their family of children, eight in number, Cornelius being the fifth child and fourth son.  Growing up in the vicinity of his birthplace, he there obtained a good education in the common schools, instruction which he did not fail to follow up by self-application and desultory reading and study, as well as by observation.  In 1860 he made his first location in this county, taking and breaking 40 acres of what now constitutes his present homestead; and besides attending to the duties upon this place he also taught one term of school at Avola.  After the outbreak of the war, at his father’s earnest and urgent solicitation he returned to his old home in Illinois, subsequently commencing the study of law.  Later on, entering the Michigan State University, at Ann Arbor, he took a thorough course and was graduated in the class of 1869, the next year being admitted to practice in the State of Illinois.  Up to 1876 he was engaged in the active practice of his profession, but about this time he purchased a drug store in Springfield, and conducted it until his permanent removal to Vernon county in 1880.  He owns 720 acres of land entered by his father in 1857, 640 of which are in one body.  Of this 10 acres are devoted to an orchard of a choice variety of fruit, the culture of which receives considerable of his attention.  Since locating here Judge Correll has in various ways been prominently identified with the county’s interests and development, and from 1885 to 1887 discharged in an acceptable manner the duties of county judge.  He has been three times married: first, to Miss Carrie Cass, of Sangamon county, Ill.  His second wife was formerly Miss Lida N. Davies, of Philadelphia, Pa., and his present companion was at the time of her marriage Miss Addie Epler, also of Sangamon county, Ill.  Seven children are in his family.  The Judge is a member of the Masonic Order, belonging to Sheldon Lodge No. 371, A. F. and A. M.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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