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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 499

George P. L. Clinton

 (Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 17, Post-office, Walker).

     Walker township is indeed fortunate in having within her midst such a man as the subject of this sketch, for his connection with its affairs and enterprises and public spirit in all matters looking to the advancement of the community have proved of material benefit to every citizen hereabouts.  Though almost a life-long resident of Vernon county, he was born in Camden county, Mo., September 22, 1849, the son of Bennett J. and Rhoda A. (Russell) Clinton.  The family are of English ancestry, many of its representatives having settled in the Old Dominion during colonial times; they assisted that State in its struggle for Independence and afterwards held positions of honor and trust in civil and military life.  Gov. Clinton, of New York, belongs to this branch of the Clinton family.  Bennett J. Clinton was born in Christian county, Ky., April 28, 1813, to which State his father had removed during its early history.  There he was reared and while still a young man removed to what is now Camden county, Mo., where he farmed and handled stock until locating in Vernon county in the spring of 1858.  Previous to this time, however, he had met and married Miss Russell, whose birth occurred in Boone county, Mo., March 14, 1821, her parents having come to the State while it was still a territory.  Mr. Clinton and wife had borne to them six sons and four daughters.  He died February 22, 1878, but his widow still survives and lives in this township.  The farm which they owned is now occupied by their son, George P. L.  In every way they were kind-hearted, hospitable people, a reputation which Mrs. C. still enjoys.  Her husband, during the Border War and War of the Rebellion, though naturally in sympathy with the South, always advocated moderation as long as that was possible.  He made a comfortable home for himself and family and was well and widely known.  George was for the most part brought up in this county, attending the common schools, and for seven years during the winter months he taught school.  Ever since coming to the county his home has been in Walker township.  When about 22 years old he began life for himself as a farmer and stock-dealer, and has since continued these occupations save for five years when occupied in the hardware trade at Walker.  He was a successful business man and has been no less thorough and successful in agricultural and stock matters.  He now owns 585 acres of well-improved land and to some extent raises and breeds Short-horn cattle, a number of registered animals being found upon his place at this time.  Mr. Clinton was married October 21, 1873, to Miss Allie A. Bush, who was born in Hancock county, Ill., October 13, 1856; her parents were Virginians by birth and early settlers in Illinois.  Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton: Floyd F., Dwight C., George B. and Norton B.  Politically he is a Democrat, and both he and his wife belong to the Christian Church.



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