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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 629-630:

John W. Cleland

(Of the Home Lumber Company, Nevada).

   The name of John W. Cleland is never thrust before the public for the purpose of notoriety, and yet it is borne by one whose true substantial worth of character is exceeded by that of no man in Vernon county. His association with its affairs dates from the year 1869, and though his business career has been both honorable and successful, his plain and unassuming manners cause him to be silent and reticent concerning his labors. Mr. Cleland was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, June 3, 1843. Arthur Cleland, his father, was of Scotch ancestry, but a native of North Ireland, and by occupation an agriculturist. He emigrated to America when 14 years of age and after living for some time in Ohio moved to Missouri in 1866, where he subsequently died. His wife’s maiden name was Mary Clark, originally from Ohio, and she became the mother of seven children. John W., the third child in the family, was reared in the State of his birth, and during the war he enlisted in the 111th Ohio infantry in 1862, serving with that command until the war was over. Following this he located at Cleveland, O., and took a course of study at the Cleveland Commercial College. January 1, 1866, he moved to Missouri, settled at Warrensburg, Johnson county, clerked for a time, and then farmed and taught school two years, after which he went to Fort Scott, Kas., in the fall of 1868. However, the next year he came to Nevada, and in 1872 embarked in the lumber business on his own account, continuing to be thus occupied until he was succeeded by the Home Lumber Company in 1881.  With this company he has still been connected. It is one of the largest lumber firms in Missouri, and not only have yards at Nevada, but also at Schell City, Sheldon, Sedalia, Marshall, Lamar, Golden City, Carthage, Jasper and Springfield. As is well known a large business is done at this point, the credit of which is due largely to Mr. Cleland’s influence and judicious management, qualities which are widely felt. In 1865 he married Miss C. J. Hughes, of Wayne county, O., and estimable lady and one devoted to making home happy. Their two children are Minnie A. and Arthur B. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland are consistent members of the Presbyterian Church, in which the former is also an elder. All religious and worthy moral movements receive his hearty co-operation.

[Transcribed by Anna Giunta]


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