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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 628-629:

Dr. Albert Churchell

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   From this brief and incomplete review of the life record of Dr. Churchell, it will be seen that his time from youth up has by no means been uselessly or idly spent, but on the contrary has been one of ceaseless activity and substantial results. His birth occurred in Susquehanna county, Pa., March 17, 1836. Amos Churchell, his father, was a native of Connecticut and came of good old Revolutionary stock. While a young man he married Miss Nabbie Holley, of New York state, the daughter of a brave soldier of the War of 1812. Five children constituted their family of whom three besides the Doctor are still living, they being his sisters. Albert, the third child and second son, was deprived of a father’s watchful care and guidance when fourteen years old and at that early age he started out in life on his own account. A few years were passed upon a farm with this one aim in view – to secure means sufficient to enable him to obtain an education, and in this desire he succeeded. In June, 1855, he went to Illinois and spent some two years. Having, when quite young, formed an inclination to engage in the practice of medicine as his profession, he entered upon a course of study under the preceptorship of Dr. John Roe, and obtained a thorough knowledge of that calling, finally attending lectures at Cincinnati, O., and commencing active practice in 1859; in 1857, however, he has changed his place of residence to Louisiana. This he continued with satisfactory success until the outbreak of the war, when, with true patriotism and love of country, he enlisted as a private in the Confederate Army, serving throughout the entire service and participating in many severe engagements. At the close of the war Dr. Churchell went to Texas, and devoted himself without interruption to the practice of his adopted calling until the fall of 1866. Early in the year 1867 he came to Nevada, Vernon county, Mo., and has since made his residence at this place, rising in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles to a position of recognized merit among his professional associates. His success has been assured from the first, for no discouragements have been allowed to impede his progress. In the treatment of diphtheria and membraneous croup especially he has built up a reputation of surprising magnitude. Frequently does he receive communications from Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, and as far away as California, seeking advice upon the proper treatment of patients afflicted with either of these diseases – a fact which speaks volumes for his ability in this direction. The Doctor is a large property holder, and in various ways has been identified with the growth and development of the county. March 31, 1861, he was married to Miss Mary A. Guthrie, who was born at Carthage, Jasper county, Mo. This union has been blessed with seven children: May Belle, wife of W. F. Norman; Mary Alice, Ella Louise, Lula Viola, William Albert, Edwin Ross and Frank Lee. Dr. Churchell is a member of the A. F. and A. M.

[Transcribed by Anna Giunta]



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