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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 397:

Thomas B. Capps

(Farmer and Stock-Raiser, Section 26, Post-office, Katterman)

   Though numbered among the more recent acquisitions to the agricultural community of Vernon county, Mr. Capps has been here a sufficient time to unmistakably show that he is a citizen of whom any locality may well be proud.  Without any attempt at empty words of comment, it is but the truth to say that his connection with the affairs of this county, and especially of Osage township, has already proved of value to this vicinity. Upon his arrival here in 1883, he purchased a large farm of 280 acres, and the cultivation of this tract has since received his attention, his conduct and management of the place indicating a thorough acquaintance with all the details of farm life. He is also successfully interested in the stock business. Originally from Lincoln county, Mo., Mr. Capps was born November 24, 1838, the second of ten children which blessed the union of David and Sarah Capps, nee Armstrong, both natives of Tennessee. The former was a farmer by occupation, and upon leaving the State of his birth moved to Lincoln county, Mo., when a young man, where he remained until his death in 1881; his worthy companion is still a resident of that county. One of their ten children is now deceased. Another, Besser, enlisted in the Confederate service during the late war, was soon captured and afterwards kept a prisoner until the cessation of hostilities. Thomas B. Capps, brought up on a farm, early became familiar with hard toil, and though only favored with common school privileges for obtaining an education has become well informed in later years by self-application. In 1861, he married Miss Ettie Palmer, who died the same year, leaving one child, Mary E., now at home. In 1862, Mr. C. was again married, to Miss Helen Sonner, who has borne him five children: Ella, now Mrs. H. P. Rose, of this township; John, Thomas, Charles I. and Henry. In politics Mr. Capps is a Democrat. He belongs to the Baptist Church, and takes a warm interest in all religious movements. Vernon county recognizes in him one of  her solid substantial citizens.



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