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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 707:

Dr. Larkin H. Callaway

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

“Taught by thy art divine, the sage physician

Eludes the urn, and chains or exile’s death.”

   The short sketch which here appears is that of one of the reliable and deservedly successful physicians of this portion of the state–one whose experience has proven him to be well qualified for the profession which he has chosen as his calling in life. His entire life has been passed in this vicinity. Born in this county, he grew up here, and has naturally gained a wide and respected acquaintance among those who have known him from boyhood. His birth occurred June 23, 1855. His father, Dr. James B. Callaway, was a physician of extensive prominence. He was born in Warren County, Mo., in 1818, where he was reared, first learning the mercantile business, after which, forming a taste for the practice of medicine, he prepared himself for that profession and commenced the practice of medicine, in his native county. Later on he went to Montgomery County, there opened a store and attended to his medical practice for a number of years. In 1855 Vernon county attracted his attention, and after coming here he devoted himself to both farming and professional duties. In 1852 he married Miss Letitia Logan, of Montgomery county. It is a fact worthy of mention that Dr. Callaway’s mother was a great-granddaughter of the famous pioneer, Daniel Boone. May 8, 1883, after a career of successful and meritorious practice, Dr. Callaway was called away from earth, leaving a family of six children: Larkin H., Sarah, now Mrs. G. R. Godfrey; Hugh, Frank, Ella, wife of Eugene Parrish, and William. The subject of this sketch, as has been intimated, was reared here, growing up first to an agricultural experience, following which he commenced the study of medicine under the guidance of his father and Dr. J. H. Blake. He attended the American Medical College of St. Louis, and was graduated in the class of 1875, and soon afterwards he commenced practicing in the western part of this county, from whence he came to Nevada in 1876. Over twelve years' practice here has contributed largely to establish him substantially as a member of the medical profession, and it is a conceded fact that he is one of the most promising physicians of Nevada. Gifted by nature with a love for the study of this science, he has not rested contented with the learning received in preparatory study, but has continually availed himself of the best opportunities offered for reaching a higher plane of learning in this direction. In 1886 he attended the New York Polyclinic of New York, a school for practitioners of medicine, and was graduated from the Beaumont Hospital Medical College in St. Louis in the class of 1887, and returns to Nevada even more thoroughly fitted to dispel the “ills that flesh is heir to.” At this time he is the surgeon of the Missouri Pacific Railroad here. July 26, 1883, Dr. Callaway was united in marriage with Miss Julia C. Gordon, of Columbia, Mo., daughter of Hon. David Gordon. They have one child Larkin G. The doctor is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Anna Giunta]



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