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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 862-863:

Charles W. Bullock

(Farmer and Merchant, Montevallo).

   Not only as an agriculturist but in a business capacity Mr. Bullock has long been well and favorably known to the people of this community, and the position to which he has come is of deserved influence. Originally from Marion county, Ky., he was born January 24, 1843, his mother also being a native of that locality. His father, Samuel Bullock, of Clark county, Ind., married when a young man, Miss Celia Buckler, who became the mother of 10 children, four of whom are now living. Charles W., the eldest, remained in the vicinity of his birthplace until March, 1851, then moving to Illinois, where he was actively associated with the interests of the vicinity of his home for many years. In March, 1876, he made another move, this time coming to Vernon county, Montevallo township, where his attention has since been given partly to farming, the calling with which he was made familiar in youth. In 1879 he embarked in the drug business at Virgil City, but after 14 months he located at Montevallo. During the past year he has opened up a stock of hardware in connection with his drug stock, and now carries a good line of shelf hardware, stoves and tinware, and is meeting with an encouraging and growing trade. The location is a favorable one, and the extensive acquaintance which Mr. B. enjoys predicts for him a bright future. He owns 164 acres of land besides some town property. In 1867 he married Miss Harriet I. Taylor, who was born in Clark county, Ind., and they have four children: Charles A., Lucy D., William H. and Preston P. September 9, 1861, Mr. Bullock enlisted for service during the late war in the 35th Indiana volunteer infantry, taking part in the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Perryville, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge and Siege of Atlanta, going thence to Texas. where he was mustered out October 25, 1865. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and also belongs to the G. A. R. He takes commendable interest in educational matters and at this time is a member of the school board, whose every interest he endeavors to serve.



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