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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 724-725:

George W. Bradley

(Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Schell City).

   The life of the subject of this sketch has been one of success almost from the beginning, and such as reflects only credit upon him, though his early advantages, perhaps, were no more favorable than those of the majority of boys of to-day. Born in Akron, 0., March 12, 1852, he was deprived of his parents by death when still very young. He was principally reared in Missouri and here for the most part his career has principally been passed. For ten years after coming here he was engaged in milling, subsequently following different occupations until in 1879 when he went to Audrain county, living there two years. In 1881 he came to Schell City, embarked in his present business, and has since continued to build up one of the most satisfactory trades in this section of country. As a business man he is eminently a success. A close buyer and excellent financier, he is enabled to secure goods in large quantities and at such figures as allows him to meet and even duplicate St. Louis prices to his customers. Not only does he enjoy a good retail trade but a large jobbing business is also carried out. His store room is one of the best in the town, and his stock in both groceries and provisions is kept sufficiently complete to always meet the demands made upon it. In 1881 Mr. Bradley was married to Miss Carrie H. Fetter, of Audrain county, Mo. Their two children are named Effie M. and Irma V. Mr. B. is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order, and besides being an active member of this fraternity, is also connected with several other secret societies, in each of which he is equally prominent.

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