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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 624:

John Blue

(Druggist and Dealer in Druggists’ Sundries, Nevada).

   The drug store of which Mr. Blue is the head is an excellent one, stocked with a full and complete assortment of drugs, medicines, etc., as well as all articles usually found in a first class establishment of the kind. The stock is fresh and can be depended upon and in consequence of this, as well as owing to the conduct of the proprietor, it receives a good patronage. Mr. Blue is a native of Missouri, born in Brunswick, Chariton county, April 24, 1849. His father, John H. Blue, whose birth occurred in Tompkins county, N. Y., in 1814, came of New Jersey parentage; after receiving a good education he studied medicine and attended the Jefferson Medical College, of Pennsylvania, subsequently graduating from the University of Kentucky. In 1836 he commenced the practice of medicine at Old Chariton, Mo., and also for a time published a paper at Glasgow. In 1847 he removed to Brunswick and established the Brunswicker, which he conducted for six years, then disposing of his interest in this line and later engaging in farming, then in the drug trade, and afterwards in banking at Brunswick. During the war he was a stanch Union man and was appointed postmaster at that place by President Lincoln. The position he assumed towards suppressing lawless bands of marauders endangered his life, and by Masonic warning he was made to see his danger and the peril in which he then was. Accordingly he went to South America, remained five years, and in 1870 returned to the United States, settling in Nebraska. There he edited a paper in the interest of the Democratic party. Mr. Blue’s wife was formerly Mrs. Martha M. Kerr, née Bell, a daughter of John M. Bell. By her last marriage four children were born, of whom John was the youngest. He grew up in the place of his birth, early becoming acquainted with the details of the drug trade. For a time he lived in Nebraska and for a while also sold goods in Trenton, but since 1877 he has been engaged in the drug business at Nevada with encouraging success. In 1874 Mr. Blue was married to Miss Virginia S. Jagneau, originally from Norfolk, Va. Five children have been given them: J. Selden, Eloise J., John, Lewis Hendricks, and George.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]



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