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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 753-754:

Benedict Brothers

(Fruit Growers, etc., Section 19, Post-office, Enoch).

   In 1868 two brothers of the name of Benedict came to Missouri from the East and located in Richland township, Vernon county, where they at once entered upon an agricultural career that has been both honorable and successful. These brothers, Robert F. and Walter H. Benedict, are deserving of more than passing notice in this history of the county, for while their ideas and customs are not in accordance, entirely, with the views of the people of the West and South, none will deny that their career as "Yankee" farmers and fruit raisers has spoken volumes for their industry and enterprise, as well as good management. The senior brother, Robert F. Benedict, was born on Long Island, in Suffolk county, Mass., January 24, 1844, the birth of Walter H. also occurring there, July 27, 1847. Their parents were Asher M. and Huldah F. (Hallock) Benedict, both of Connecticut nativity, the father being a miller and manufacturer by occupation. Three sons besides the two mentioned were in the family: John F., Frank E. and Fred H. Robert and Walter were reared on Long Island as fishermen and farmers. At the breaking out of the war the former enlisted in the 127th N. Y. volunteer infantry, and took part in the battle of Honey Hill, S. C., were he was wounded, after which a return home was necessary, and he was confined in David's Island Hospital for some eight months. In 1868, as stated, he came to this county. In 1874 Mr. Benedict was married to Miss Ida Martin, originally from Boone county, Mo. Three children are in their family; Asher M., Carrie R. and Eleanor R. Mr. Walter Benedict's marriage occurred in 1875, at which time Miss Alice S. Thomas, of Bates county, Mo., became his wife. They have two children: Edwin and Frank. The Messrs. Benedict have in all 310 acres of valuable land, 200 acres of which are devoted to the raising of fruit, and of this tract three-fourths is in apples of the Ben Davis variety. The trees are in splendid condition and bear abundantly. They are also extensive potato growers, and the past year had over 100 acres in this vegetable.

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