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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 752-753:

Robert Jackson Beard

(Farmer, Section 28, Post-office, Enoch).

   On a previous page of the present volume reference has already been made to this pioneer citizen of Vernon county, one whose residence here has dated from 1849. Originally from East Tennessee, he was born October 8, 1825, the third child in a family of five children. His parents were Robert and Sarah Beard, nee Glasscock, from Virginia and Knox county, Tenn., respectively, the former following as his occupation agricultural pursuits. Young "Jack," as he has always been familiarly known, lived in Alabama and Georgia a short time after leaving his native State, but in 1838 he came to Missouri and located in Cass county. In 1840 he went thence to Fort Scott, then only a garrison, where he helped to issue the first beef which the soldiers had, also assisting in making laths with which to complete the fort building. He was a great hunter in those early days, and his companions were often the soldiers stationed on the frontier, and even after his settlement in this county his house was the rendezvous for those who started on hunting expeditions. Since 1849, as above stated, Mr. Beard has lived in the township where he still makes his home. Great changes, of course, have transpired since then, to which he can refer with accuracy, for he is blessed with an excellent memory. His career has been quiet and uneventful, though none the less satisfactory; at this time he owns 320 acres of land well improved. In 1846 Mr. B. married Miss Elizabeth Miller, of Tennessee. They have five children: James, Asa, Sarah, wife of Samuel Hughes, Eliza and William, all living. Six are deceased.

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