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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 617:

James Barr

(Manager of the Nevada Branch of the Badger State Lumber Company)

   The Badger State Lumber Company, probably the most extensive company of the kind in Missouri, is indeed fortunate in having as its manager at this place a man who enjoys to such an extent the confidence of the entire community as does Mr. Barr.  The establishment which he represents has its headquarters at Hannibal, Mo., but throughout Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska are located about 70 of its branches, all doing a satisfactory business and rapidly gaining in favor.  It is no disparagement to any one to say that to the business fact, ability and energy of Mr. Barr much of the large trade and general success of the company at this point is due.  A full line of sash, doors, blinds, plaster, hair, yellow pine and Wisconsin lumber is carried, and a complete stock is always on hand.  Mr. B. was born May 26, 1830, in the North of Ireland, of which locality his parents were also natives—Robert and Elizabeth Barr, née McFarland.  The former was by occupation a farmer and stock-dealer.  In 1849 James Barr emigrated to the United States and located at Alton, Ill., where he was engaged in the grocery business until moving to Hannibal, Mo.  Here he carried on a large wholesale and retail grocery trade until receiving an offer from the Badger State Lumber Co., which he accepted, and in January, 1880, he came to Nevada and took charge of the business here.  This has since been his home.  Mr. Barr’s wife, formerly Miss Mary A. Cousley, to whom he was married in 1852, also came originally from the North of Ireland.  Six children are in their family: Robert A., now in Kansas; Agnes J., wife of S. A. Wight; William P., May E., Helen L. and James F.  Mr. Barr and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple.]



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