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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 414-415:

George W. Bacon

(Farmer and Stock-feeder, Section 10, Post-office, Hume)

     Himself a native of the Buckeye State, Mr. Bacon came partially of Ohio antecedents, his father, Lorton Bacon, also having been born in that State.  He was an early settler in this county, coming here in the fall of 1856, though previous to that time he had lived in Illinois.  He died in Kansas in 1859, leaving three children:  George Washington, Malinda J., wife of Austin Bird, of Rich Hill, and Nancy Ann, who married Adam Hofsess.  Mr. Bacon's wife, formerly Christine Horn, of Germany, died in 1871.  George W. first saw the light July 23, 1847, and afterwards continued to live in Ohio until the family moved westward, when he accompanied them.  He was reared on a farm, and later on acquired a knowledge of the stock business, both of which branches he now carries on in a successful manner.  His present place he settled in 1868, and since that time it has been improved in a comfortable and desirable manner.  All that he now owns has been gained entirely through his own good judgment and sagacious management, and speaks well for his industry.  He owns 160 acres of good land.  In 1873 Mr. Bacon was married to Miss Mary E. Corey, who was born in New York, and five children have blessed their union:  Zoe Edna, Libbie E., Louie C. Daisy R., and George H.  Mr. B. is a member of the M. E. Church South.



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