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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 498

David Arnold

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 4, Post-office, Walker)

     Since his residence in this county Mr. Arnold has been very closely associated with its material affairs, and especially of this community, more so than the average of men.  In the direction of the stock business this is particularly true.  When 21 years of age he commenced life for himself as a farm hand in the employ of his brother-in-law, Judge G. M. Woodward, but in a year he began farming on his own account, investing some little means which he had in young cattle.  Thus he started, and by exercising good judgment in his business transactions he has always handled stock to advantage and in such a manner as to result profitably. His first purchase of land was 80 acres, and to this he has added until his landed possessions embrace 750 acres, entirely unincumbered and as well improved as any farm in the county.  Up to 1875 he fed and grazed cattle, but since then more attention has been paid to the raising and breeding of this class of stock, and usually he has about 100 cows, all good graded animals.  In 1882 he purchased a male Polled-Angus animal at a cost of $500, and at this time he has some 100 head of high graded stock of this species.  Recently his object has been to raise males for the Western trade.  In every way Mr. Arnold is a thorough stock man and has done much for this industry in Vernon county.  As might be imagined he is a Virginian by birth, or at least he was born in what is now West Virginia, Hampshire county, August 29, 1845, the locality from which his parents, David and Mary Arnold, nee Sloan, also came, and where their marriage occurred.  The Arnolds were originally from Pennsylvania and prominent in the Dunkard Church; the Sloans are of Irish origin, and many of them served in the War of 1812 from Hampshire county.  One held a commission in that war and a general's commission in the State militia, and for many years he was surveyor of Hampshire county.  David Arnold died October 5,1855, and his wife September 25, 1875.  Young David, one of four sons and five daughters, all of whom survive save three daughters, was reared to a farm experience, and obtained a common school education, and in 1866, as stated, he came to this county, where his subsequent career has been noted.  May 23, 1876, he was married to Miss Mary E. Collett, of Massachusetts.  They have one child, Hattie.  In politics he is a Democrat.



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