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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 723:

William T. Anderson

(Liveryman, Schell City).

   Mr. Anderson’s experience in stock business, or at least a portion of it, extends over a period of almost his lifetime, for since old enough he has engaged in the handling of some kind of stock. It may well be supposed, therefore, that he is thoroughly posted in his present calling, additional proof of which is seen in the success which has attended his efforts. By birth he is a native of Missouri, born in Osceola, St. Clair county, July 12, 1841. William Thomas Anderson, his father, was originally from the Old Dominion, and as a profession followed teaching. His wife, whose maiden name was Emeline Smith, was born in Greenbrier county, Va. Two children resulted from this union and of those William T. was the youngest. Deprived of his father by death when only two weeks old, he grew up without the care and counsel of such a parent, though bravely watched over and taught by his mother--a  woman of stanch fortitude and character. His early experience was that of a farmer and stock trader, and this he continued in St. Clair county until 1881, the date of his removal to this place. Since then his attention has been directed continuously, and as stated, not without substantial evidence of success, to the livery business--a calling for which he seems to be peculiarly fitted, and in which he so familiarly recognized. During the war Mr. Anderson enlisted in the C. S. A. under Gen. Rains, first serving six months in the State Guard and later entering the regular army; among other engagements in which he took part may be mentioned those of Springfield, Cross Hollows, near Fayetteville, Ark., and others, though the most of his time was spent in the commissary department. After serving for a year and a half he went to Texas, remaining there a while, and then returned to his home in St. Clair county, Mo., where he was occupied at his former occupation of farming and the stock business, until settling at Schell City in 1881. March 11, 1859, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage with Miss Mollie McMinn, whose birth also occurred in St. Clair county, in 1845. Six children are in their family: Maggie, Lillian, Pernetta, Eddie, Johnnie and Robert. Mr. A. is a member of the I.O.O.F.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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